iOS Software Developer, offering to build an M.V.P. (Minimum Viable Product) for $25


New member
(also posted on r/Entrepreneur)

I am launching a new idea to hopefully bridge the gap between the "idea guys" and technical software developers.

People approach me all the time asking me to build their app, many of which are good ideas being presented by impressive people. The problem is that most people simply can't afford market rate for an iOS engineer, and an equity position simply is not a risk I'm willing to take.

Hence, I am launching (what is temporarily called) the M.V.P. (Minimum Viable Product) program. For a $25 application fee, anyone can submit an app idea. After 200 submissions have been received, we will pick one and develop it over the ensuing four weeks, no extra charges or fees. $25 could potentially develop your app. All submissions will receive, at the very least, our professional feedback covering potential costs, time frames, and technical challenges.

The website is located here at

A blog post elaborating on the origin of the idea is here at

Please let me know any of your thoughts and suggestions, as I hope to iterate based on the response!
@joshiwoshi please don't post this anymore. This is not a place to solicit money from the community. Asking for 25 to primarily evaluate an idea is ludicrous. Even delivering a well written evaluation with feedback is questionable as no one knows how legitimate you are. The entire lottery idea should not be condoned on any subreddit.

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