Is it Possible to Build a Successful SaaS Company with No-Code Tools? Seeking Opinions and Advice


New member
Hello everyone!

I recently watched a video from Rob Walling (link: where he discussed building a SaaS company using no-code tools. I found it fascinating and wanted to know your thoughts on this topic.

Where do you think the limit is for no-code SaaS? Is it possible to build B2B software that can be sold to other companies or is it just suitable for creating internal tools that are not intended for the market?

I'm curious about this approach and would love to hear about your experiences, opinions, and advice on this matter. Have you used no-code tools to build a successful SaaS product, and if so, what was your experience like? Do you have any recommendations or resources you could share?

Thank you in advance for your insights!
@kwame1 Depends on what you call success. Is there a unicorn purely on nocode? Not yet.

There are examples of companies sold for $10-50M running purely on no-code.
There are many more which went through 0-1 journey in nocode, validated and then shifted to code to scale further
@carieinney That’s a nice answer. In my case im not looking for a unicorn, im looking more for a micro saas thing, so that’s why I see that no-code may be a cheaper and faster tool.
I would loce to know those examples of no code companies sold for millions of dollars. If you know any resource where I can read about it I would love it!
Thank you so much!
@kwame1 Umm, I don't remember at the top of my head honestly.
But I keep coming across them.

This one for example:

But the results are a short Google search away:,success%20to%20no%2Dcode%20platforms.

They list companies having raised couple of millions

There're many posts on reddit as well: