Is the B2B SasS boom over? These companies are still rocket ships


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Here's a look at the Top 10 fastest growing B2B SaaS companies:


2) Genesis Digital, LLC

3) Digital Convergence Technologies Inc.

4) Brivo


6) Aithent Inc.

7) Café

8) Nintex

9) Thrive

10) SplashBI

Based on QoQ headcount growth. Companies >100 employees.

Source: Crustdata
@atozsolution The number of employees a startup has proves nothing about the success of the startup. It merely means thy were able to persuade VC’s in giving them a crap tone of money.
@deecruz So much this. The old model of hire a ton of devs, burp out a shit ton of questionable code that builds up tech debt, then dump half of them to look good for the next round really needs to die.
@deecruz It's amazing that this is not common knowledge.

Everyone should know this.

Everything about the last 12-18 months should have told everyone about this.
@atozsolution Is it strange that I’ve never heard of a single one of these companies?

Probably not. Nobody outside the accounting profession ever heard of my B2B SaaS company, either.
@atozsolution It’s not over. There are still significant pain points across functions and industries that need to be addressed. The fact that nintex is growing is a sign that there’s a need for SaaS solutions. It means that companies need to simplify a workload that a SaaS solution currently can’t solve.

However, the idea of a horizontal SaaS solutions (i.e. span multiple industries) is gone. You need to find a niche.
If it’s nintex, you’re proving my point. The use cases it’s solving for are vertical specific or department specific. If you look at their top use cases, that’s what you should build
@atozsolution The problem with SaaS is that after many years, it becomes a bit commoditized and that results in you having to lower your prices bc your commodity competitors are doing the same.

I think SaaS is still top tier just don't go for crazy VC valuations bc your company will implode once the competition catches up and your product becomes a commodity

I still think SaaS is prob the second best tech business after any business that actually has a networking effect moat e.g. Tik Tok, Google, Amazon
@atozsolution At the end of the day B2B SaaS is a business model - while the fundraising environment is more challenging and therefore growth a bit slower, B2B SaaS is here to stay.