I've built a simple 𝕏 Analytics tool that helps you stay consistent and grow your audience


New member
Hey guys, I've recently built a v2 of Ugly Duckling, an affordable Twitter/X analytics tool. The first version, a Chrome extension, received a warm reception from the community and reached over 100 daily active users but was killed by the API and Twitter analytics changes 😥

I've re-built it from scratch, now it's a Web Application that focuses on helping the users stay consistent and competition between it's community members:

Ugly Duckling's leaderboard

I'm also tinkering with pricing - I've completely dropped subscriptions and I focused on making it affordable as possible.. I believe that right now, most of the analytics tools are heavily overpriced.

It's just $19/LTD instead of $38 but to get this price you can't break your streak (post/reply on X at least once per day) during the trial. So far people really like this promo 😃

Ugly Duckling's dashboard

I'd love to hear your feedback!

- Demo: https://quack.uglyduckling.app/demo

- Landing Page: https://uglyduckling.app (there's a 14 days free trial, no strings attached, no credit card required - just email)

Have a great week ahead! 🙌
@nathan3g So am I competing against other UD users?

Does it pull up analytics of my competitors (I assume input their TWTR handles individually to my dashboard) and how my TWTR compares to theirs?
So am I competing against other UD users?

Correct. The leaderboard shows other UG users. You can check the leaderboard out without signing up too: https://quack.uglyduckling.app/leaderboard

I assume input their TWTR handles individually to my dashboard

At some point I will probably add some segmentation (maybe even 1v1? cool idea, thanks! 🙌) once there are more users, but now you compete with all of active UG users. I can't pull data for non-users (I use the API and I need the oAuth for that).

Important to note is that it's all an addition to the standard analytics; if you don't want to take part in the leaderboard it's fine too.
@nathan3g How does it help me to be more dominant in my TWTR space?

I assume there will be AI/Algos to read my tweets, make suggestions compared to others in my space on which creates more engagement, etc.

This is of course, once I can add my competitors to my dashboard and have AI compare there tweets and engagement to mine.

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