(June YC W21) An online primary school to learn Analytics


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Hey folks! Enzo speaking, CEO at June (YC W21)

I wanted to share that we’re launching the first primary School online to teach analytics to startup employees!

🏡 Analytics school: https://school.june.so/

If you ever asked yourself why dealing with data is so complex, then this class should help a lot. Our company vision is to make analytics dead simple. So simple that even a 6-year-old can understand and explain it with plain words. So we decided to launch a School to teach that. Not a University or an Academy, a Primary school.

Classes are given by Mckenna - our 6-year-old Head of Education. The first class lasts for 6 weeks and goes through the fundamentals of analytics. The class is online, whoever subscribes will receive one lesson per week.

📼 Here is the first lesson:

Oh! and if you have any requests for Grade 2 please shoot, we're currently recording it 📹

I hope you enjoy it! 💜

@theoph Are employees not capable of just going on Udemy to learn analytics? This sounds a bit too niche and non repeating. But hey what do I know. Best of luck
@theoph Love the idea of making education simple / kid-friendly. Could you do one on best practices for tracking user activity in a way that is actionable for the team but respectful of user privacy?

Best of luck Enzo & team!

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