Landed a $16k/m contract from Reddit


New member
I'm a webdev subcontractor and my last three contracts were all turning giant spreadsheets into niche web apps used by like 10 people, usually just one b2b customer. I'm seeing these contracts pop up more and more, and it's a lucrative but underserved part of the webdev industry.

I am seeing investment going into older industries like SCADA/ERPs as well. So definitely keep your eyes open for those. What keeps surprising me is I basically have to to turn down these sub-contracts because I don't have time to do them all.

Maybe because devs are now all chasing "indiehacking" dreams and less boring stuff like spreadsheets.

For this specific contract, I frequently write about my experience as a freelancer/1-person developer - and about building SaaS for companies who use spreadsheet as their primary platform in the comments/posts like these.

This led to multiple DMs and conversations, one of them turned out to be someone I was already connected to on X/Linkedin. I get ~3 DMs a day and 1 per week would move to a video call. For those video calls, one every month would turn into a solid lead that I'd consider contract for.

Either way, contract signed last week, work starts in April! My DMs are open.
@bprecovery please be careful, this guy is charlatan and selling bullshit. Look through his post history, there's no consistency here.

When he asks you to buy anything, pay any money, or subscribe to anything, please use caution.
@nthaison884 Paul's marketing approach helped me to source the contract he's referring to above.

I was unable to accept it myself and handed it over to Paul.

Paul paid me $8K USD for the referral.

I don't know what more you want from him, he offers a lot of value.