(Launching Soon) Shadow - An AI meeting assistant that turns your tasks from to-do to done


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The product​

Website: Shadow

Shadow is AI meeting assistant that automatically extracts action items from video meetings and automate recurring post-meeting task. Completely eliminating the need for mindless tasks altogether.

Throughout the day, we engage in work conversations via platforms like Zoom, Slack Huddles, etc. Based on these discussions, Shadow spends a significant amount of time and energy organizing tasks, writing emails, reports, and handling various follow-up tasks.Shadow is categorized as an AI SaaS. We are currently under private beta and have not launched officially.

Key features

🤖 Autopilot Mode: Shadow operates entirely on autopilot. When starting video meetings on platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Shadow automatically begins recording. Once the meeting ends, Shadow also concludes automatically!

📝 Summary & Transcript: Shadow autonomously organizes key meeting content for quick and easy reference. There is a focus on understanding the conversation to the degree that you do.

🪄 Various Skills: Shadow can handle tasks such as creating action items, composing thank-you emails, writing reports, templates, and many more.


There are many AI meeting assistants on the market since we started Shadow. The ones you may be familiar with are Krisp, Otter, and Fireflies to name a few. AI meeting assistants have primarily been used for transcription and summary purposes. However, we're taking it a step further and make it so that we can complete the tasks discussed during the meeting. We want to eliminate recurring tasks, because we know how annoying those get.

Eventually, it could act as an AI twin for you being able to chat with teammates on your behalf.


We are looking for product validation, beta testers, and paid customers. Shadow has an app available for download for Mac OS, which we are sharing through private on boardings.We are a VC-backed start-up. (Go J curve!!)

Conversion strategy​

Where are our customers from?

Our main strategy was to post on various launching platforms, with Betabound probably have being the one that brought in the most users. (PH launch is coming soon)We've posted to two other Reddit forums; this is the third. Combined, I got maybe a couple hundred views, but no reactions yet. We have had more sign-ups and the people we have talked with from reddit are mostly already ai meeting assistant users.We are utilizing LinkedIn, but they don't develop into meaningful interest or advocates. Not too sure where the line between a sales pitch and a connect is.

**How do I create a product valuable enough that people WANT to pay for it?**Shadow is currently free to use and a good portion of it is going to remain free.As we grow in skills (the number of things that Shadow can do on your behalf) certain features are expected to become premium.

Why us?​

We are a small but GLOBAL team with every single one of us having experience in the AI industry. All our members have technical backgrounds, with out leader having been a part of AI since the first generation.

If you're interested we also have a quick survey : https://tally.so/r/wg9red

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