Learn to make efficient Facebook ads for your business by piggybacking off brands great at it

I build a website curating Facebook and Instagram ads that entice people to click and buy. It includes 300 ads for ecommerce, SaaS, mobile apps, and other industries.

All the ads are handpicked and showcase various "templates" that tend to greatly perform in late 2020. By template, I mean UGC for e-com, screencasts for SaaS, fake gameplay for mobile games, etc. I dive into more details about the criteria I used to pick ads in the last paragraph.

URL: pivads.com

The tool is 100% free and built with no-code. Here's how to use it to find references you can piggyback off or inspire from.
  1. Start with applying filters to narrow down the scope of ads you want to dive in. Industry and Niche filters might be paired (AND) or used independently.
  2. Your main goal is to break down a specific ad creative you liked into smaller parts. E.g. great ads usually start off with a scroll stopper (achieved via pattern interrupt or a hook. Once you identified the key parts try to ideate how to recreate them for your product.
  3. Note that ad copy might be as important as the ad creative (that's why the ads are captured in full). Again, consider piggybacking off the copy of the "example" ad.
  4. Each ad has a link to the brand's Facebook Ad Library page. Always check other ads this brand is running.
  5. When observing the brand's Ad Library page look closely at the ad publishing date. Pay more attention to the ads that have been running for at least a week. 7 days+ are usually enough to turn off the ads with the bad performance so those remaining are likely to perform well.
Qualitative metrics I used to decide on what ads to include in the Pivads collection.
  1. I can personally vouch for a few "templates" e.g. "wall of reviews" for retargeting (meaning I ran them profitably).
  2. Most ads (90%) come from either hugely profitable brands (meaning it's a fact their ads work great) or brands publicly working with industry known advertising experts.
  3. I also included some ads I believe must convert well. It's based on my professional intuition and experience of growing several edtech, gaming, and ecom startups.
How I built it with no-code tools
  1. Website builder: Webflow with the CMS plan
  2. Filters: Mixitup.js plugin
  3. Video hosting: YouTube
  4. Ads capturing: Manual, using ShareX app (Windows only) which can capture a custom screen region, and auto upload the video on YouTube via API.
  5. Google Sheets to generate a CSV file with the ads details (YouTube URL, thumbnail, etc). The CSV file was then imported to Webflow to populate the content of the CMS collection.
Hope Pivads will be useful for you.
@burningbright307 Seems like it's not functioning properly for me. When I click on an ad it only shows some information, a FB ad gallery link and related ads, but not the actual ad itself.

Apart from that it's an awesome tool that I am definitely interested in.

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