Learn to say 'No' if you own a Business

Being self-employed, whether an entrepreneur or a freelancer (not having to sit in a 9-5 office), your time might be taken for granted. And hence, your demand increases.

Whether it's a party at friend's house, small house chores(personal - family/friends' requests) or unimportant agendas or meetings(professional - clients/employees), saying "NO" to such cases might become difficult.

For some people, saying no brings the guilt with it.

Saying yes to things might seem easy at the short-term, but taking on a project that you won't be able to accomplish, or agreeing to an outing by compromising your business priorities, won't make others proud of you in the long-run.

Being self-employed you might face 2 types of non-priority requests:

*Requests from family/friends, which I call Personal requests

*Requests from clients/employees, I call these Professional requests

Hence, I have divided the article into 2 sections on how to handle both types of requests.


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