Let's build a simple reminder app for our moms and dads in a day and go from there


New member
Hey! Ending 6 years as an Engineering Manager at Amazon. Besides the bigger idea, I want to build a stupidly simple app (in a matter of days) that helps my mom and others like her remember their grandkids' birthdays (she's got 18) and other special dates. She keeps asking for something, and I've done some other market validation. A Google Calendar is not a good solution IMO, mainly because it's clunky for folks who don't use it, and it's not so easy to share for others who want to track all or some of the same dates. I want anyone to be able to go to a web app that simply asks for What and When, add as many rows as you want, enter your Email, and Save. No login. You'll get a confirmation email, and then an email reminding you 7 and 1 days before. There are lots of ways this can be expanded and I've got other details to share, but the gist is it will be a stupidly simple utility. Monetization is obvious: it's free, but eventually these emails have clean contextual ads. Some engineers I've worked with are interested in doing something together but taking time or whatever and so I'm casting a wider net also because I want to meet new engineers and possible co-founders. If you're interested, please do lmk. Ask any questions beneficial to others here. Much love.