Leveraging No-Code Tools


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Hello Community,

Consider you are building a SaaS in 2024 without any technical knowledge. Hence, you are opting for no-code website builders. What are top 3 no-code tools/builders would you use for each of the following purposes?
  1. For creating landing page and capturing email list.
  2. For designing the actual website or web app.
    a. Best for building less complex SaaS
    b. Best for building marketplaces
    c. Best for building platforms (where customers can hire any specific agency for eg. designing or sales, and these agencies can bid on the requirement posted by hirer)
    d. Best for building SaaS with complex and variety of features (like AI integration, two-way communication, etc.)
Thank you in advance for the inputs.
@natalie223 Hey there, so what might work for you is Bubble. Landing page wise you can choose anything since in the end all the no-code tools achieve the same sort of customisation. Why did you decide to go with no-code?
@jtc26 Thanks for the response. I decided to go with a no-code builder option because I belong to a non-technical background, and as of now, I don't have anyone in my network who is a developer.
@natalie223 I see okay, well since you mentioned you don't know any developers, I do run a custom development and design shop. I could help you out with that and even if we don't end up working together I can help you decide what your best option is. If you want to you can DM me, I'll be happy to answer your questions :)
@natalie223 Bubble is good for no code. However since I am a software developer I don't think I can actually use a no code. I mid I would get frustrated and feel like f*ck le't go back to the code. But No code has worked great for many folks. You can check out WeTheNoCode on youtube. They are a great resources and they have posted a lot of stories about how no code saas have worked out.
@sweetlover Thanks for the reply, mate. Yes, I'm aware of Bubble, but since mid-2023, Bubble has changed their pricing plans, which turned it not so cost efficient. Yes, I follow WeAreNoCode. Actually, I thought of this question while watching their video on Youtube. There are alternatives, so I thought of asking for opinions who have used no-code builders. I am looking out for a no-code option because I belong to a non-technical background.
@natalie223 For a landing page I would use Wordpress which is very easy to get a good looking simple page off the ground. You might want to consider WebFlow, but the learning curve is higher and therefore you probably only want to invest time in it if you are using it for your main app.

For a simple No Code web application I'd start with Bubble, it has one of the easiest learning curves, a very comprehensive ecosystem of plug-ins and there are lots of great resources online. WebFlow is a little more complex to get off the ground but gives you more control over the look and feel, therefore it might be a better choice if visuals are your priority. Appy Pie is also a popular entry level tool, but it doesn't have a free tier and you will likely hit a wall if you want advanced features.

For a marketplace type app the above applies, but you will need to look at backend tools like Airtable, Firebase or Supabase depending on your requirements. You may also want to think about hosting, as this differs by tool. For example, WebFlow allows you to host on your own servers and gives you access to the source code, whereas Bubble does not. There are also specialist marketplace No Code tools like Sharetribe. Again, Sharetribe does not have a free tier, but it does have a 30 day trial.

For a complex app then it very much depends on your requirements, as you are getting into the area where different No Code tools have their own strengths and weaknesses and a mixture of tools may be required. You mention "AI integration", if this is a case of calling an API, then this is widely supported by most No Code platforms.
@natalie223 Hey,

I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my two cents on this.

For creating a landing page​

  • Framer (much easier to use)
  • Webflow (learning curve is higher, but gives you granular control)

For designing an actual web app​

The most common name in this space would be Bubble, here's a quick rundown of the pros & cons:
  • Pros:
    • Relatively fast learning curve
    • It's been there for a while so there is an ecosystem of plugins
    • Lots of resources and videos online to start learning
  • Cons:
    • Not great if you're focused on how the web app actually looks
    • You don't actually own the code, and migration to another tool is impossible
Another option is Webflow
  • Pros:
    • You can control the visuals down to the last detail, giving you full control over how the web app looks & feels
    • If you're using the same tool for building your website, the time spent on the learning curve won't be wasted
    • Gives you hosting as part of its pricing model, so you don't need to worry about hosting your web app elsewhere
    • Total access to the source code, so you can migrate to another tool if needed
  • Cons:
    • It'll take you longer to get started, there is a steeper learning curve

Backend tools to manage data​

If you're looking at building a marketplace-type application, you need to get familiar with tools like Airtable. There are other alternatives, but I've used Airtable for the last 2 years and I can vouch for this one tool.

Your choice of backend tools will depend entirely on your requirements, so you need to start setting those first, before choosing the tool.

No-code marketplace apps​

There are some ready-to-go no-code marketplace tools like Sharetribe that have plenty of inbuilt features that are common across marketplaces like:
  • User profiles
  • Supplier storefront
  • Easy listing with multiple listing types
  • Messaging between buyer & seller (two-communication that you mentioned in your question)
  • Inventory management
  • Custom data fields (so you can enter any type of product/service information)

Integration of AI​

I haven't done this myself, but I know that a lot of no-code tools these days have AI integrations baked into them.

Also, if you mean integration of AI as in calling an API, then I'm sure a lot of tools offer that too.

I don't have much info on this, I'm sure the other replies to your question might shed more light on this.

Which tools to use?​

No-code tools, like anything else have their limitations. You need to figure out exactly the type of web application you need to make and then work backwards from there.

Tool that helps me build MVP → validate the idea → build the final product

Usually when I'm looking to build something and searching for the tools, I pick something that can help me get my MVP up & running. MVP = low cost + fast deployment.

Once I validate the MVP, I then try to figure out the final tool, this can delay the total process but at least I end up saving a ton of money and effort if things don't work out.

On more than one occasion, I've spent all my time & money building or choosing the 'final tool' and ended up losing money because the idea didn't click.
@natalie223 Consider EzyCourse SaaS in 2024 for no-code website builders. In today's digital age, a strong online presence is essential for both businesses and individuals. Having a professional website is essential for attracting and engaging with your target audience. However, for many people, the prospect of creating a website can be daunting, especially if they lack technical skills or coding knowledge.

There are many website builder like Wordpress, Wix, Weebly. Also there have some platform those are all in one platform with easy website builder and many others features like EzyCourse, Kajabi, Thinkific etc.

So I like most EzyCourse among them as best no code website builder 2024 and here are some key features and discussion:
  1. EzyCourse's website builder provides user-friendly drag-and-drop tools for creating engaging landing pages and capturing email addresses. With customizable templates and seamless integration with email marketing services, you can easily capture leads and grow your email list without requiring any technical expertise.
  2. EzyCourse offers an easy-to-use interface for designing and customizing websites and web apps. From creating sleek and professional-looking pages to adding interactive elements, EzyCourse's website builder allows you to bring your vision to life without requiring coding knowledge.
  3. EzyCourse's website builder is best suited for creating simple SaaS solutions. You can quickly create functional and visually appealing platforms without getting bogged down in technical details.
  4. Perfect for creating marketplaces: EzyCourse's platform includes features like user management, payment processing, and customizable listings, making it ideal for creating marketplaces. With its simple interface and powerful functionality, you can build a dynamic marketplace where buyers and sellers can connect seamlessly.
  5. Best for building platforms (where customers can hire any specific agency, such as design or sales, and these agencies can bid on the requirements posted by the hirer):EzyCourse's website builder enables customers to easily hire agencies for specific services. User accounts, bidding systems, and communication tools can help hirers and agencies interact more smoothly, all within a user-friendly interface.
  6. Optimized for SaaS development with advanced features such as AI integration and two-way communication: While EzyCourse's website builder excels at simplicity and usability, it may not be the best option for developing SaaS solutions with highly complex features such as AI integration or intricate two-way communication systems. However, you can still use EzyCourse's platform to build the foundation of your SaaS solution and add more advanced features as needed using third-party tools and APIs.
EzyCourse's simple website builder is an immersive revolution for anyone looking to establish a professional online presence without any technical knowledge or coding skills. EzyCourse's easy interface, customizable templates, and affordable pricing make it simple for anyone to create an attractive website and grow their online presence. So, why wait? Sign up for EzyCourse today and start creating your dream website!
@natalie223 I don't use it(carrd.co), I set up the landing page(products) by myself, but my friends always use it for the landing pages. It's easy to use, and many templates which you can choose from. But you need to know a little about how to deploy them. I think with the help of the ChatGPT you can do it easily.Another template market is https://themeforest.net/ which has more templates and choices than carrd.io, you can do some research between them, and get a template that you like.

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