Listory: The World's First Content Refinery


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What is Listory?​

Listory is the world’s first content refinery. It empowers human-curation to mine the best of the web. Save time and stay on track in your pursuit of knowledge by following the reads of the leading experts and influencers in the topics you’re interested in.

Think of Listory as the Michelin guide for content — Listory isn’t about having all the content in the world, but only that which is worth your time reading.

What is Listory solving for?​

We founded Listory with the main objective of placing the best content in front of our readers — no distractions, total confidence.

Readers are heavily consuming their favorite news sources as soon as they wake. Even if it’s not the most credible source, it’s cheap and easy. Marketing such as “all you need to know in 10 minutes” to “news in bite-size form” creates an urgency to consume news in a mindless manner that leaves readers feeling incomplete, not fulfilled, and most importantly, uncertainty.

We want to redefine the meaning of quality content and how we are getting there — and we believe it starts with trust.

We’re over-flooded with information, at a time when our attention span deteriorates.

News Feeds focus on consumption. In the competition for our attention, they interpret engagement and popularity as a stand-in for relevancy, authority, and credibility.

[h4]So, who do we trust?[/h4]

We trust humans, humans that will give you context, their story, well-versed on a specific top, well-read and knowledgable, real voices. That’s why there is no better starting point than human-curation.

Curators sift through the plethora of content, sources, and channels to place stories in conversation. We simply take the current curation and refine through your signals — likes, follows, saves, shares, etc. This simply allows us to create a no-nonsense reading experience, Your Feed, the relevant, trustworthy, contextual content just for you. Listory isn’t about having all the content in the world, but only that which is worth your time reading.

How does it work?​

Content refining is the process of extracting, from the vast amount of content available online, the most relevant, timely, and credible stories. It’s like the difference between Yelp, where you’d find every possible restaurant, to the Michelin guide where each restaurant is hand-picked.

We monitor more than 1000 newsletters, curated by experts and thought leaders in areas such as product, engineering, design, startup, VC, and more. We then extract the stories recommended by those curators and estimate their importance by counting the number and quality of links to them from other curators. Our underlying assumption is that more important stories are likely to be mentioned by more experts.

You can build your own refined content experience by following curators and newsletters in Listory. The more you follow the better the refinement you’ll achieve. How come? Unlike traditional social networks where the more you follow the more content you have to sift through, Listory looks for the “intersection” of curators and picks those stories that are most popular by the experts. Don’t expect an infinite feed. In fact, sometimes we might not have something worthy enough of your attention. But when we do, expect a Michelin star restaurant experience!

No-nonsense, no algorithm, no distractions — Listory is the world’s first content refinery and it’s one you can trust.
@sbr68 I hope the UX is smoother than your reddit post

It sounds complicated

Users will bounce if it doesn't deliver something great in their first 15 seconds of demo
@net First off, thanks for your response!

Second, I couldn't agree more, in all honestly, that's something we are struggling with = wording and explaining properly. It's a new concept and super exciting, but you are totally right. We need to sit down and think about what our two-liner differentiator is, looks like, and how it reads.

The UX is smoother :)

Would love your feedback - let me know if you decide to try it out.

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