Live coding my first startup


New member
With the beginning of 2019, I've decided to code a little startup. I've been programming in an advertising agency for 5 years now and have 8 years experience. I love to code for a hobby and found out this could be a good start to make something on my own. Either for profit or just for fun. The weapon of choice is Laravel 5.5. The frontend will be based on Vue.js If you are a beginner then I hope you've learned something from this video. If something is unclear, feel free to write a comment and I'll try to answer it. If you are a professional and would like to give me an advice, please leave a comment, I'd be happy to make the app better and learn something new. Find this video helpful in any way? Be sure to drop a like & comment to motivate me to make more videos like this: Don't forget to click the "bell" next to the subscribe button and select "Send me all notifications for this channel".

Here is the coding video:
@ecraigr Exactly sir, I have the idea of an app that aggregates luggage and airlines, checking whether the one that you would like to buy fits the airline rules.