Looking for a Technical Co-Founder. Read the post and DM if interested! Setting up 30 minute virtual meetings to meet you & discuss


New member
  • Location: US Based (any time zone except Hawaii)
  • Prior start up experience and/or work experience in midcap or large cap of ~5 years or more (either or in aggregate)
  • Experience in Tech, fintech, social media, apps
  • Working status: Employed
Details about the Start Up:
  • Stage: Pre-Seed ($50k currently committed, $150K minimum, Goal of ~$500K)
  • Category: Fintech, App, B2C
  • Subcategory: Mobile Gaming, Entertainment
  • Mission: Disrupt the Industry Niche (sorry being vague)
Your Initial Responsibilities As Co-Founder:
  • Assume the Role of CTO
  • Review + Advise on code/infastructure
  • Provide relevant feedback and ideas on problems we are aiming to solve
  • Time commitment of max 20 hours per week up until launch (required meetings 8pm-10pm CST once per week)
  • Likely minimal coding to be contributed
  • Be a backboard and also take shots on the idea
Tech + Stack:
  • The developement studio (the app really needs an entire team to build it) will be building using Unity
  • The App will initially be IOS only, for various specific reasons
  • Payment processing, account wallets, high user data tracking, Secuirty First, Anti-bot measures (important).
  • Pay: Initially none. I'm not getting paid either. Potential to change if/once we go full-time
  • Equity: To be discussed.
  • 1.5 - 2 months until developement starts
  • Approximetly 5 months total time of developement
  • 7-8 months until Launch (Goal is November 2024)
About me:
  • Location: Midwest
  • Non-Technical but knowledgable
  • Accounting/Finance experience ~6 years
  • Current industry: Fintech, Midcap (Considered late stage start-up imo)
Current Team:
  • Myself (Co-Founder)
  • You (Co-Founder)
  • Development Team (6-9 People, professional game studio - low strategic decision input, no equity)
Short Term + Long-Term Goals:
  • Build V1.0
  • Run advertising campaign
  • 5,000 concurrent users sustained daily for 1 month (initial point of success)
  • Raise for V2.0 (if needed)
  • Pivot to V2.0 (V1.0 and V2.0 are two different sets of the app that compliment eachother)
  • Launch V2.0 (become direct competitor to legacy companies in the space)
  • Evaluate based on KPI, Financials if hold or exit
Why Join This Opportunity:
  • Something recently occured in this space that provides for an oppertunity to disrupt
  • Total Market is in the billions of dollars (although the entire market is split between physical and vritual)
  • The top three legacy companies generate close to $1B in annaul revenue a year and were established approximtely 20 years ago. They've done little to no innovation since.
  • It will be expected that you will keep your current employement whilst working on this project in off time as needed. Luckily, majority of the work will be performed by the dev studio.
Interested? Great. I'm looking to schedule various zoom meetings with anyone and everyone who thinks they are a good fit based on the above.

Each meeting should be around 30 minutes long or so and will really be focused on if we find eachother a good fit.

DM with a brief intorduction to schedule. Meetings begin 2/27/2024.
@travis2014 Your idea sounds interesting and it's clear you've done your homework. Finding a technical co-founder that fits your expectations might be a bit of a challenge though. I remember when I was in similar shoes looking for a tech partner. What helped me significantly was collaborating with a reputable tech incubator. I found buildmystartupidea.com a great help—they offer a team of successful tech ex-founders who basically function as a virtual CTO, giving advice and making sure the development is on track. They were more efficient and reliable than hiring freelancers or a dev agency, and you can focus on other parts of the business without worrying about the tech. It's just a suggestion from my own experience. Hope this helps, and best of luck with your venture!
@travis2014 Do you have any validation around why this idea will succeed? Have you spoken to ideal customers? Had direct interest in the product?

I am not technical, so as a fellow business person that has recruited technical founders before, you will need to make sure you have things to show for around these questions.

If you simply say you are a visionary and know it will work, then (although it is possible you are right and this will work) it will be difficult to get quality people on board.

There are ways for you to get an MVP out there wayyyy before Nov 2024. You can build a mock up on Figma and talk to ideal customers. You can also set up a landing page with the ability to sign up or pre-pay and get it in front of your ideal customers to see if they sign up.

Regardless, you should show some sort of traction or validation around the idea itself. Not even solely to get someone technical onboard, but also for your own purposes to ensure your assumptions around the idea are right. You never know what you will be able to find.

I have wasted months building something I was 1000% sure was going to work but when we launched no one wanted it. It is the reason I built the platform ufoünd to give other founders the opportunity to talk to their ideal customers to help validate ideas quickly.

Best of luck and hope this helps!
@travis2014 Hey, we are two people exploring startup opportunities. One of them having experience in Tech for the last 10 years(Worked with many big brans) and I have worked with about 12 startups into Strategy and Growth.

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