Looking for advice as a video business


New member
Hey everyone.

I am looking for some advice.

So when I started out freelancing I did a decent amount of commercial work (low budget). About a year into freelancing I started doing wedding. The weddings started to take off so I really started to focus on that. I built a brand for that and set up a company with a partner. That has been going well and continues to grow every year. It keeps me busy enough where I have needed to add editors to keep up with the backlog.

While shooting wedding I still have taken some commercial jobs here and there. (Much higher budgets).

Now I am looking to jump more into the commercial world.

Right now I am trying to figure out how I should go about this, and would love any advice on what to do.

Do I just make a branch off of our wedding brand? The look and name is very "weddings" Bellatiamo.com

Maybe it can just be like BT commercial and be an option in the header that links to a separate page?

or, do I just form a new brand all together. Right now when I do commercial work I just do it under my name. I have a personal website that I use for examples. trheberlingproductions.com. Maybe I take what I have there and form a brand and company so its something bigger than myself.

I would love any feedback that can be given. We keep growing and I want to make sure I am positioning myself right. My goal is to be getting enough work to keep myself busy with shooting, marketing, etc... While keeping an editor and studio manager busy full time/part time. Also being able to give out work to our sub contractors consistently would be a plus.

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