Looking for beta-testers/feedback


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm the founder of Komiser (https://komiser.io), an AI platform that identify potential cost savings on all major public cloud providers (AWS, GCP, OVH and soon Azure). The platform will inspect the client’s cloud infrastructure and breakdown the cost of used/unused cloud services in a user-friendly UI, then based on real usage of the infrastructure, it will provide custom recommendations using our AI engine, and finally, the customer can deploy those actions directly from the platform without the need to hire a consulting agency or a cloud expert.

We have recently released the community edition (open source) and it became trending on multiple platforms: Reddit, Hackernews, Product Hunt, GitHub (+2200 stars, +120K downloads and +600 daily active users). Just a couple of days ago, we have released Komiser EE (entreprise edition - https://cloud.komiser.io) in private beta test stage, and I’m looking for funds to accelerate the release of my platform to the public, also your feedback/ideas about the product is much appreciated.

PS: Komiser EE is cost-effective solution, no % of your monthly cloud bill bullshit


AWS Support:

GCP Support:

OVH Support:

Multiple AWS accounts Support:
@sorlando If I knew more about the technical aspects, I'd try it out. But just want to say props to you for doing your start-up homework and looking for beta users! Best of luck :)

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