Looking for collaborators to work on a mobile app startup?


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Hi – I’ve built an iOS app that helps people find and make new friends in their local area. I’m interested in taking it beyond a passion project to being a successful product, and I think I could use help from people who can bring other skills to the table. I cannot offer payment, just to be clear from the outset.

The App-

The basic premise of the app is that you create an activity plan (e.g. visiting a museum), then go online where you see others and their plans around your location. Then, you can connect and be connected with, chat, and meet up IRL. Think tinder x meetup. It’s free right now, I think it’s a good concept, there’s nothing existing (as far as I’ve found) that does exactly what mine does, and the closest competitors differ in key ways. The app is currently clunky and basic, but it works, and has had some downloads. Please DM me for a link if you’d like to try it out.

What I Need-

I can build the app, but I can’t get people to download it. For one thing, there’s a cold start issue, that is to say if you download it and no one else is around you it’s no use to you. Second, I have no funding, no marketing budget, etc., and no know-how in this area. I have some ideas on how to overcome some of these, mainly around defining the target customer and building out the core functionality. But basically I need someone who believes in the product and can get people using it, whether your expertise is in marketing, or sales, or whatever – if you can help get my app onto people’s phones, you’re valuable, and you’ll be compensated for your work once there is capacity to do so. I’m happy to discuss what your idea of this would be as well before we start collaborating. If the above is not you but you think you can bring something to the table regardless, please still get in touch, I’d be happy to chat.

About Me-

I’m an iOS Developer, working for a reputable mobile app company. I’m British, based in the UK, and would be looking to target UK users unless I’m presented with a compelling reason to do otherwise. I have previously worked as a developer for a successful mobile app startup, but I have no entrepreneurial experience myself, and am currently the only one working on this.

TIA for reading and please reach out if you have any thoughts or believe you might be a good fit :)
@jeanniecheek Mate this is awesome! Actually, I've been getting sick and tired of social media networks that keep you pinned to your phone. They should be tools to meet people in real. This concpet of yours is great because I have a family and dont go out much, plus not many friends close by, so when I finally have some free time, ive got no one in my area to enjoy a pint or go and do something. DM me, I think I might be able to help, if anything test it for you.
@jeanniecheek Just a thought. You mentioned that people need to be in the same area in order to use the app (or it's no used to them, as you said). Is there a way you can CURATE the events and promote them in select areas to entice people to sign up? This way you can still anonymize event sign ups.

I understand that puts a lot of pressure on you to get the ball rolling even more. But as it stands, it feels like the big hurdle is going to be getting people to care enough to download and create events on their own.

My idea isn't an elegant solution. But perhaps you can find a way to make it a little more hands off. Maybe do social listening to understand the top things to do in certain cities, and then curating parts of your app for that.

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