Looking for feedback: we built a (free) AI-powered website generator for sweaty startups


New member
Hey all,

I previously ran a home services business (window cleaning), and pivoted into building software for the last 8 years. One thing that always bugged me was how hard it was to simply just start a business and get your first customers - so many annoying hoops to jump through.

At my new business, wanted to make help people make the leap to owning a business faster.

We just launched a new tool that builds you a business website in less than 30 seconds. That includes copy, photography, a lead gen form, everything!

Feedback on how it’s working for you (and if you’d use/publish a site with it) would be awesome. We want to make the process of starting a solo business ridiculously easy, and this is part of that.

Have fun with it! It's far from perfect, so if you get any super weird results, share them!

Try it out here --->

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