Looking for honest feedback? Share your project and I'll send you a one-pager with my thoughts


New member
Hi r/SaaS, I have noticed that a lot of people here are asking for feedback on their products and ideas and as an experienced product manager, I would like to believe that I have a pretty good eye for spotting areas for improvement.

Share your project below, and I'll send you my honest thoughts about your landing page, and your user onboarding flow (if your app has a free trial / plan) in form of a 1-2 page document, no string attached.

Edit: Getting a lot of responses right now, I might take a little while to get back to everyone but don't feel discouraged to post your app, I'll try to have a look at all of them within the next 1-2 days
@ilovejesus12376 I’m trying to figure out exactly how to communicate the value prop. I feel like it’s quite broad and not easy to articulate (maybe that’s a bigger problem)

For example, I see the value prop being that by creating a profile and establishing your skills and experience you then become available to a network of employers and recruiters who are actively seeking developers. To prevent being spammed with connection requests as you do on LinkedIn, employers and recruiters can connect by suggesting an opportunity you might be interested in and if you are interested then you can chat directly to them.
@tompa Hmm yea its a tricky one - I’m not very familiar with your competitive landscape but I’m sure there are other job boards trying similar things. Try to find something that you could do better - maybe something like built in coding challenges (random idea) could make you stand out as more interesting than other platforms

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