Looking for suggestions of professional development that have a cost but are actually helpful

I have a $1,000 PD budget at my 9-5 job to spend on ways to advance my skills and professional growth (B2B tech sales). Would love to invest in some quality PD that would apply to being an entrepreneur/running a sweaty startup (I’m just finished Y1 of a 2.5 year plan to have my sweatystartup be sufficient to meet my expenses). Would welcome any/all suggestions, be they books, seminars, courses, speakers, or something else entirely. I want to be wary of coaches who charge fees for advice with limited experience to back them up. That said, I’m open to all ideas!
@imnotatelevision Hey there! There's some great professional development & business management courses on EDX . Org as well as Coursera.
EDX also features tons of courses from ivy league universities that are well within your budget there and a lot of them you can audit for free. I reccomend Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies by HarvardX as well as any business management from on there. You'll find a ton of high quality resources and information on both of those places!

I hope that helps you dear!
@imnotatelevision I wouldn’t dismiss legitimate coaching. See coachfederation.org for a free search tool. Most certified coaches offer an introductory session and the RFP system allows you to specify what type of PD you’re seeking, including coach experience. I am a PhD/PCC and the majority of my certified colleagues are trained and experienced.
@imnotatelevision Dude if you’re in tech sales I would 100% recommend Sandler Training. It’ll be super valuable for you currently and will help if you ever have to build out your own sales teams.

After that go find an online MBA and do that.

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