Looking to network with likeminded entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs


New member
Hi, I am a 16 year old young entrepreneur with around 2 years of experience in online business having scaled a business to over £500/day and having had a business mindset all my life really and an ambition to do better and work hard. I am now looking to network and make connections with likeminded individuals (young or old) where we can both use our individual areas of expertise and use each other’s skills whenever needed to boost our businesses and do a great job where we may otherwise be clueless.

I have been doing business for a few years now mainly in e-commerce in marketing so am skilled in all that brings including:

Store creation and web design (Wordpress)
Facebook ads
Photo editing
Everything else that having online businesses and having a lot of experience in marketing, scaling one brand to £10k/month brings

I am now looking for new friends who think the same way as I do and am hungry to build massive businesses. Wether that be from having the same skills as me or being from a totally different background..

Shoot me a message and we can get talking and exchange our contact details (I’m not really used to Reddit)
@sarahcf75 I did the same thing at your age! Created my own shoplifty dropshipping store at 16 did okay. Keep it up, keep hustling, I would tell my 16 year old self to just learn as much as possible. You may not see the results now but the lessons you will learn are so vital. You will be successful in no time, remember to not compare your self to others and keep learning as many skills as you can.

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