Made $700+ from X(Formerly Twitter) in 2 months


New member
Back in Jan 2023, I left my job and started working on my startup Idea.

👨🏽‍💻I started it as a SAAS product but soon I shifted to a subscription design agency as I was short on money.

👉🏽Initially, I was struggling to find clients but got one through one of my friend referral and another from the co-working space I go to.

👉🏽Later in mid Oct 2023, I found that on 𝕏 it is not about posting but replying to other people tweets on 𝕏. from then onwards, I started replying to other people tweets and made regular posts on 𝕏

📈I analysed how MrNick_Buz grew his subscription design agency and then I did a lot of roasts to show value of my work and after roasting I asked them in comments whether they will be interested in Figma file for $35. Got 2-3 clients from here.

🤯At that time, lizengco started to offer landing page revamp for $35 and after then she grew exponentially.👣So, I followed her paths and in mid December, I opened 20 slots offering landing page revamps for $35. This was the game changer.

✅Because of my past roasts, and the twitter engaging strategy I was growing. People knew me what I do. So, I started getting those slots filled.

🔄I constantly shared my revamps and these bring in more clients and yesterday I filled 20 out of 20 Landing page revamp slots at $35.

🤞🏽Now, we are rolling out 12 slots of $70/Landing page revamp deal.

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