market research - idea for a business


New member
Hi guys, I'm looking to start a company and I'm doing some market research at the moment.

I'm looking to build a very nice, slim, modern good looking case for contact lenses. Thinking about having a combination of - leather (corporate/business/classic), golden rose and bamboo (wooden) looking cases.

Would appreciate your input - so if you've got 10 seconds - would mean the world to me if you can fire some short answers below in the comments for the next questions.
  1. how often do you use your contact lenses?
  2. do you use daily contact lenses or not?
  3. what kind of case do you have at the moment for your contact lenses if any at all?
  4. do you care about how your case looks?
  5. would you buy a case for your contact lenses? if not, why not?
  6. would you recommend a product like this to your friend/family? If not, why not?
  7. Besides the actual contact lenses - do you use or need anything else with them? eg. mirror, picker, drops, etc?
  8. If you were to design a product like this - what would you like to see in it?
  9. how much would you be willing to pay for a product like this?
@dawnpawn Hi there,
  1. Only for sports
  2. No, weekly
  3. None, i use 1 day lenses
  4. Yes if people see them
  5. No, there was a time that I used month lenses, so i would have some lens fluids on me or maybe a case, but 9.9/10 I would not need them except before I go to sleep. So I see no benefit in having a beautiful case that no one sees expect me before I go to sleep.
  6. No because it is not for me, nor would it be a subject to talk about.
  7. Drops maybe
  8. Minimalistic maybe? I think it would be cooler to have notifications about when te replace the fluids or lenses themselves based on the hours not in the case
  9. I wouldn’t buy it but if I have to name a price, between 10-20 dollars
Sorry about my answers, hopefully there are a lot of people that disagree with me.
@dawnpawn Hello,
  1. For sports or when I have nights out
  2. I only use daily contact lenses
  3. None
  4. Not really
  5. Maybe if I had monthly lenses I would
  6. Not sure, depends on the case quality
  7. I absolutely need a mirror, would be nice to have one in the case
  8. All the essentials for the lenses, would be great to fit everything in a case
  9. Max 15-20$