Marketing AMA


New member
Share the marketing challenge you're currently facing, along with the stage of your business (A, B...), and I'll provide tailored tips to help you overcome it! :)

A. Ideation / pre MVP
B. MVP Validation
C. Pre launch
D. Growth / scale up
E. Established
F. Any other stage ? Mention in the comments

If you know any solutions to the problems in the comments, please answer them too :D
@bagpuss66 By targeting restaurant owners, I assume it is a high ticket offer

And more often than not, they have loads of connections inbetween and share resources - so referral can be a good source of lead generation

Try to find forums ( recently active ones and even subreddits on reddit ). If you are targeting your local restaurants, there must be some sort of association which connects the local restaurants together, reach out to them to offer support and build rapport

I understand your intention behind looking for a bulk approach, but make sure you create a good relationship with them instead of it being purely transactional

Humans trust a fellow human more than a business owner ( that is if you have a good friend of yours offering x service and a random acquaintance, you would obviously refer your friend because you trust them )
@bagpuss66 That's an excellent idea, in that case work on your brand identity,values and your voice
  • What do you want to be known for ?
  • What emotions do you want to evoke in your clients when they think about your brand ?
  • What tone do you want to use ?
  • What is your brand archetype ? ( archetypes are prebuilt models based on the common types of companies + what's working. For example : Caregiver, sage, hero,rebel - please let me know if you want to expand on this further )
  • What is your why ? What impact do you want to make ?
Once you got your branding and ideal custom down, you are already halfway there

Now sir down and plot out the main points of the relationship between you and your client
  1. How do you first reach your client and make them sign up ? ( Is it lead magnet in a landing page ?...)
  2. Which emails should be automated ? Which should be personalised or written regularly to build rapport ? (an email to send them the lead magnet, welcome series, then a weekly / monthly newsletter based email series...sales series before a launch etc )
  3. Choose if you are gonna write them / outsource the work - make sure to research well before hiring someone, see if they align with your values and are genuinely interested in helping you grow or just in for the money
If you want me expand on anything here or have any questions - please feel free comment down / DM me :D
@nauq C/D pre-revenue - We do website security performance and monitoring and have a hard time finding potential customers, people with websites.

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