Marrying YC's famous tarpit ideas with a new concept: tarpit features


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As we all know, YCombinator is the most successful startup accelerator in the world having funded over 5,000+ startups with over 5% of them converting to unicorns 🤯

What’s one of their key success enablers? Avoiding “tarpit ideas”.

This post will explore what the term "tarpit idea" means, and how another concept related to this (what I call a "tarpit feature") is relevant to anyone building a new product

I was intrigued by the term “tarpit ideas” when I first heard about it in a video featuring Dalton Caldwell and Michael Seibel from YC

Tarpit ideas by definition are ideas that many people have, look and sound appealing on paper and seem like something customers would want but also are the cause of death of many startups. They also look to be unsolved by other companies globally, so they attract even more founders because it seems like “THE problem” that is yet to be solved - being blinded by the countless number of startups that have died trying to build it.

Now I don’t want to dive deeper into “tarpit ideas” specifically because there are many great YCombinator resources about it (you can find the video that inspired this linked at the end). But what I want to explore is an adjacent, related concept that I think is not spoken about as often: “tarpit features”.

This is an interesting idea close to my day-to-day of building a product. The concept of tarpit features is very similar to that of tarpit ideas in the sense that when you start developing a new product, these are features that “seem” important, obvious, useful for solving new user’s problems and might even be so big standalone that you might spend a lot of time working on them. But that’s where the magic begins and ends.

These are features that will suck a lot of your time and energy trying to release, only to realise that they never deeply mattered to begin with and you spent precious time, i.e. the most important commodity for an early stage startup working on something that was never needed in the first place. Lost time, lost dev resources, lost $$ and the end output is something customers never needed!

What is even more important here is, tarpit features will not just hinder the growth and execution speed of tarpit ideas. They will also do the same to promising, high potential startups who might lose out to their competitors just because they got trapped in a cycle of development and lost opportunities working on features that weren’t demanded.

Note, the point is not that products die due to just building one extra "fancy" or "unnecessary" feature - it's the side effect of building not so useful features (despite being in a promising market) repeatedly for the same company that does this and significantly negatively impacts their progress vs that of its competitors. And unfortunately this slowness compounds the death for companies because it progressively becomes harder for them to recover from it - do this a few times and your metrics start stagnating, you lose focus, try things thinking your idea sucks, lose confidence in yourself and so on

So the message is that despite working on a good idea, there's a huge chance you'll fail if you're just wasting time working on features that aren't needed while your competitors execute and build the key things that will give them an edge. People don't prioritise and evaluate product roadmaps as much as they should

Examples of most commonly developed tarpit features (TAKE THIS LIST WITH A BIG PINCH OF SALT, DON'T LATCH ONTO IT, THE MESSAGE IS THE REST OF THIS POST NOT THIS LIST OF EXAMPLES) - do note most of these examples are very basic and the commonly occuring ones, there will also be many features specific to certain startups that only the founders can assess. These will be all the way from features requested by a particular customer or those the sales team thinks are important.
  1. Multi-platform SSO / User Authentication: if you’re spending days setting up user signups / authentication while knowing Google & email signups will drive >95% of your user signups, rethink what is needed and drop the rest
  2. User Profile / Account Management: spent 3 days building a user profile, account details management and deletion UI + API? congrats, 0 out of your 30 users needed it 😐
  3. Dark Mode: no explanation needed, if you’re working on this while trying to find product market fit, you need to re-evaluate your product roadmap
  4. Ultra Fancy Onboarding Tutorials: While it's important to provide guidance to users, spending excessive time and resources on elaborate onboarding tutorials with intricate animations and multiple steps might not be necessary early on. Users often prefer a straightforward and intuitive user experience, and over-investing in onboarding tutorials can detract from the core functionality of the product
  5. Comprehensive Analytics / Tracking Capabilities: Analytics are crucial for understanding user behaviour and improving the product but building an overly complex analytics stack with numerous integrations, warehouses and visualisation tools can be a distraction for early-stage startups that often don't even have enough user data to go for such complexity
These are just some of the tarpit features that came to mind (and those that are common to most products). There are many many more that you will encounter when you build products. Many of them will be specific to your product or industry too. A really good way to spot them is to imagine yourself being a user. If you come across a new product which looks like a very cool idea, would you be dissuaded from signing up if there’s no dark mode, or you can’t delete your account (unless you’ve provided some very sensitive data) or if it doesn’t have a fancy onboarding tutorial (that you most likely will skip halfway)?

Of course, some of the cases above will have exceptions. Say you’re building a mobile app heavily focused towards on iOS users, it makes sense to have Apple Sign In too. Or if you’re building a mental health chat product, it might be critical for users to have the comfort of deleting their chats & data for privacy reasons. But these decisions should be quickly (and carefully) made based on your idea to avoid getting trapped in a cycle of wasted dev efforts.

The underlying message remains: keep your product roadmap simple and relevant to your target customers. Anything else is a distraction early on!

Do you relate to this or have any other tarpit idea to add?
@nasa321 I like the concept of tarpit features! I whould also add this:
-writting front end tests (please hear me out, they are useless when your front end is so basic and will be constantly changing)
@nasa321 These are very basic and will just take a day of development. Dark mode is easy, just that you must decide your colour palette from day 1. There are many resources out there for light/dark mode themes that just work.
I would say internationalization/localization is a tarpit feature though, unless its a non-english market being targeted
@motherofone Yeah the examples are really just starting points for people to start thinking of the kinds of features that can be completely irrelevant at an early stage.

Each startup will also have its own industry specific tarpit features which only they'll be able to tell
  • Building a mobile app when a web app will probably do just fine. Web apps are much faster to launch and to start getting user feedback.
  • Not using a pre built UI components library. If you're designing your own UI components you're doing something wrong.
@nasa321 Everything you listed (maybe except the overly engineered on-boarding) can be done within a day. Sure it’s not needed, but if taking a small amount of time implementing a feature fuels your motivation to work on the overall project, then it’s worth it.

Not enough people consider founder morale when building a startup, that’s why a ton of startups never get to launch.
@raulcraven The message isn't the examples, it's the mindset. There will be countless other industry specific tarpit features the startup might work on which will waste a lot of their time only to eventually be realized it was never needed

I don't think working on unnecessary features should be "motivating" for founders at an early stage, if anything founders should be ruthless with prioritization and work on the key things that can either move the growth needle or help them find PMF

Founder morale can be built in many other ways IMO, building new features for the sake of it doesn't feel that right way
@nasa321 It’s not a sprint, a day spent making your product look nicer so you can feel some pride, isn’t wasted.

I think you’re trying to argue against perfectionism but instead arguing against anything that isn’t minimalism. No startup has ever failed because they chose to implement dark mode 😂
@raulcraven As expected, you didn't read the full post and are commenting something irrelevant. And I mentioned this above the examples because I knew people would misinterpret the message. Refer again to this -

"Note, the point is not that products die due to just building one extra "fancy" or "unnecessary" feature - it's the side effect of building not so useful features (despite being in a promising market) repeatedly for the same company that does this and significantly negatively impacts their progress vs that of its competitors. And unfortunately this slowness compounds the death for companies because it progressively becomes harder for them to recover from it - do this a few times and your metrics start stagnating, you lose focus, try things thinking your idea sucks, lose confidence in yourself and so on"
@nasa321 There’s this thing called slippery slope fallacy, you’re claiming “dark mode” -> bad mindset -> death of startup. I’m telling you that’s absurd.

Your argument is based on your examples of what a tarpit feature is, and so it’s relevant that you actually mention features which are so costly and useless that they can be directly linked to the downfall of a startup. Dark mode, page analytics, and certainly not Auth don’t exemplify your points at all.
@raulcraven Well I agree to the fact that the examples could be more relevant (again, restricted because these would really best be known by founders and will be specific to their industries) but I don't agree to you thinking this mindset is not common or cannot cause big issues for startups. There really is a huge product prioritization problem that many many companies struggle with and I feel you justifying it based on founders "morale" totally doesn't make sense
@nasa321 This is something really helpful. I kind of feel a sense of guilt, simply because I know I fell into these traps myself. Stressing so much over the onboarding or nice features that aren't really necessary seems like a productive way to spend your time, but it's really another form of procrastinating.

While it's a simple and obvious thing not to do (I have to continuously remind myself not to go into developing features no one needs or cares about), thanks for the reminder!
@nasa321 It feels like Tarpit Features could be made into their own companies, provided they make it super simple to implement those things — and to be fair, companies like Auth0 and Propel Auth seem to be doing well

Another tarpit feature I've seen come up often are "dashboards", especially for early stage API companies
@nasa321 Is there a tarpit library? Long exhaustive list of tarpit ideas and concepts : 1. List of tarpit ideas and startups already buried pursuing such 2. Tarpit features and wasteful tweaks where many have attempted and failed.

I wonder if one can type any ideas they would like to pursue and build, and then they can see if it falls into the tarpit category. Some web offer validation service. Describe your idea and see if it is any good. Perhaps a list of 'death trap' ideas can be built. See if it is dangerous enough (shiny at first but death awaits). Can avoid the risk of building it.