Matching Competitor's Brand Terms


New member
In Media Buy, a popular strategy is Brand Bidding, which involves directly advertising by bidding on brand terms. The advantage of this approach is that the click cost for brand terms is relatively low, but the conversion rate is not, making it a cost-effective strategy overall.

One straightforward way to match competitor brand terms is to produce articles in the X vs. Y format. Here, X is your brand term, and Y is the competitor's brand term.

Article titles can follow the X vs. Y format, but there are several other options, such as 'Compare', 'What's the Difference', 'Alternative to', etc. You can gather more information and organize it yourself. Once you have the title format, the next step is to develop the content.

The easiest way to do this is to see how others approach it and then summarize their writing patterns for your use. Alternatively, you can submit your requirements to GPT and have it prepare a complete article outline for you."

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