Maximizing Your Side Project's Success with ChatGPT: Tips, Tricks, and Q&A


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Got a Side Project and Wondering How ChatGPT Can Help? Let's Chat! 🚀 I'm here to share real, down-to-earth tips on using ChatGPT to tackle the cool (and sometimes tough) parts of your project. Need ideas for better prompts? Tips on making AI work for you, not against you? I've got your back. Drop your questions or just say hi – let's make your side hustle shine with a bit of AI magic!
@lewistoles I use it alot to think thru ideas for advanced technology

I find gpt may not give me the most advanced tech advise but it's more than capable of keeping up if I have a conversation about it.

It's very good at helping to get thoughts clear and concise.

It's also great at coding, I usually just write a header and ask gpt to fill out the implementation.

With the speed of AI improvment, it's hard to imagine what it will be like this time just next year 😜

@lewistoles I'm trying to create a Python Crawling program using ChatGPT. I want to ask ChatGPT to create a script to crawl and get the data I want to crawl, but I'm not sure how to ask it. If you have any ideas or methods, please share.
@johnofpinebrook Web Crawling Script Development Request
  1. Target Website(s):
URLs to Crawl:

[List the specific URLs or website domains you want to crawl]

Access Requirements:

[Indicate if login/authentication is required and whether you can provide credentials or if the script should handle public access only]
  1. Specific Data Points:
Information to Extract:

[Describe the specific information or data points you want to extract, e.g., product prices, article titles, etc.]

Page Structure Details:

[Provide details about how the information is structured on the page, including any specific HTML elements, classes, or IDs relevant to the data]
  1. Frequency and Volume:
Crawl Frequency:

[Specify how often the crawl should occur – once, daily, weekly, etc.]

Data Volume:

[Estimate the number of pages or the volume of data you expect to scrape]
  1. Output Format:
Desired Format for Extracted Data:

[Indicate the format you require for the output, e.g., CSV, JSON, Excel, etc.]
  1. Crawler Behavior:
Link Following and Discovery:

[Specify if the crawler needs to follow links to find new pages]

Special Behaviors:

[Mention any special behaviors needed, such as handling infinite scrolls, waiting for AJAX content, dealing with pagination, etc.]
  1. Compliance and Ethical Considerations:
Legal and Ethical Compliance:

[Acknowledge any compliance with the target website’s terms of service and legal regulations around web scraping]
  1. Technical Requirements:
Preferred Programming Language/Stack:

[Indicate your preferred language or technology stack, if any]

Infrastructure Requirements:

[Mention if you have any server or infrastructure preferences]
  1. Error Handling and Logging:
Error Management:

[Describe how you want the script to handle errors or exceptions]

Logging Requirements:

[Detail if you need logging for the crawling process and the level of detail required]
  1. Deployment and Maintenance:
Deployment Assistance:

[Indicate if you need help with deploying the script]

Maintenance and Updates:

[Describe how future changes or updates to the website or script should be handled]

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