ModeMagic 2.0 made it to #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt


New member
After months of heads-down hustling, we launched ModeMagic 2.0 - built for Shopify (& made with Mason) on Product Hunt and the response has been amazing.

Made it to the #1 product of the day and #2 of the week.

But, this is just the start. We’re focused on making the app better every day, and your feedback matters a LOT >

Here are some notable features of ModeMagic 2.0:
  • Custom tag-based automation for badge application
  • Sale, inventory & discount badge automation
  • Holiday Special: BFCM, Halloween, Christmas badges
  • Animated product badges
  • Make your own badge in a few clicks
  • Badges in over 6 languages
Look forward to hearing your feedback/suggestions!

Cheers 🙌

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