Moonlight – Your Startups’ Deployable Growth Team


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Imagine a marketplace that catapults your startup's growth and innovation. Welcome to Moonlight - envision us as your on-demand incubator.

The Challenge: Faced with endless tasks, wearing multiple hats, or waiting endlessly on departments? Many startups stall due to these constraints, diminishing innovation and growth.

The Solution: Moonlight matches you with specialized growth teams ready to spearhead your biggest challenges. Our talent pool boasts pedigrees from Apple, Airbnb, Coinbase, Microsoft, RG/A, Techstars, Stanford, Harvard, and more. Plus, each member is vetted and community-referred, ensuring the best for your needs.

Type of Roles: Growth Marketer, Data scientist, Content Strategist, Product Manager, Product Marketer, Front end engineer, Backend engineer, Product Designer, Graphic designer, and more.

Moonlight Advantages:
  • Tailored expertise aligned with your organization's goals/objectives
  • Ability to select talent for missions from our vetted network of high-caliber experts
  • Dedicated & flexible team for swift, focused project sprints (1-2 months max)
  • User-friendly platform for communication, payment, and project setting
Why Moonlight Over Freelancers or Agencies?

  • Often isolated, adding administrative burdens
  • Extended project durations, typically 6-12+ months
  • Risky: inconsistent quality and commitment
  • Inflated project hours and staffing
  • Variable quality, often subpar and often lacks expertise
  • Expensive, prolonged timelines and obscured worker insights
  • Transactional relationship that doesn’t care about the growth of your organization
Empower Your Growth with Moonlight

Scale your team as needed. Activate the growth powerhouse only when you need it. Stay focused on big-picture strategies, and let us drive your immediate goals.

Intrigued? Sign up with this link or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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