Moosed - Challenge App


New member
We created a fun challenge app out of our free time. Would love u to test it and feedback us!

Product description:

Does your loved one have annoying #habits? Or friend needs a slight push to step beyond their #comfortzone? Honey, we built an app to help you out!

With Moosed app you can create bite-sized challenges, that will support friends' long-term growth - but don't limit your imagination only with serious-smerious stuff - have fun also!

Download app:

App Store: Google Play:

Test it - have fun - feedback us! Please only useful, constructive critique :) Thanks!
@gracegrace "With Moosed app you can create bite-sized challenges, that support friends' long-term growth."

Huh? This seems like a deeply flawed premise around friendship. Its honestly really disturbing. This has all the makings of a very unhealthy relationship with someone - and if it doesnt at the beginning it will at the end.

I would never ever participate in anything like this. If a friend send me this i'd delete it right away and have second thoughts about them.

If however you made it a competition challenge where a friend and I would compete to accomplish a particular challenge in the same time window - then that is a completely different story. Or if it was a shared challenge where the two of us (or a group of us) had to do something together then thats better.

And the way to make it real - and not just something with BS lip service - is to say tie in with a finance API. So you put money into the challenge basically committing to it. If you dont complete your side of it - the money goes to the person/people that actually did it.

I still wouldnt use the app but i wouldnt be disturbed by it.

Just one data point.

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