This might look like a lecture.

Following are some points about grabbing attention for your websites, apps, landing pages, ads and promotions with better headlines

Many small business owners work with freelancers or small agencies to get their advertising and marketing work done.

I have worked on both sides of the table.

Your website development team or ad agency will often bow to your wishes for fear of losing your account. Also, you may evaluate the work from hidden, subconscious criteria, that may be related to your childhood, your interests, your previous experience etc. You actually don't know which.

Here are some points you could use to explicitly evaluate their work and override your hidden biases:
  1. The headline on your ad/website/app has the time span of a glance to grab attention.
It's safe to say that this is less than 3 seconds. Your ad must grab the attention of your viewer's subconscious mind.

According to psychologists, that's where 95% of the evaluation prior to a decision occurs, including split-second decisions, like whether to read more or glance away.

So make sure that your campaign has the maximum chance of grabbing your audience's attention for the right reasons: i.e. to examine what you offer and decide whether it fits them or not.
  1. Always appeal to people by selling a vision of a completed state of things in the headline e.g. a job site should not sell "Easier searches" or "Latest jobs" but something like "2x Interviews".
  1. The sharper the vision, the better. BMW's "Ultimate driving pleasure" does this.
  1. Locate that vision in the customer's world, not yours.
A wedding boutique is better of with a headline like "Wedding gowns your friends will die for" rather than "The latest and biggest designer wedding gown collections". The latter is an effect of your work, while the former is the effect of what the customer decided on.
  1. Remember David Ogilvy's assertion that the headline is where 80 cents of every ad dollar is spent. Excuse the pun, but it pays, to pay attention to how your money is being spent.
  1. Modern platforms have so many opportunities to test and evaluate dozens of headlines. So write a dozen, test a dozen and go with the best.
Good luck with your venture.

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