Multi-tenant e-commerce SaaS starter


New member
Hey Folks,

I have been working on a SaaS boilerplate/starter to make launching a multi-tenant e-commerce SaaS business easy. It can also be used to create your online store. It's still a WIP, should be complete very soon.

Tech stack:
  1. Sveltekit - Frontend framework
  2. Hono js + RPC - For APIs, can be hosted in edge environments like vercel edge & cloudflare workers
  3. Shadcn svelte components + custom tailwind CSS components
  4. Turso db - Edge-compatible SQLite based database, that allows global replication
  5. Stripe for payments - one-time + subscriptions
  6. Razorpay for payments - similar to Stripe but for India
  7. to listen to webhooks and workflow ochestration
  8. Mails - zoho zepto mail
  1. Multi-tenancy: Multiple stores can be created upon this SaaS, each with their custom domains.
  2. Products, categories, sub-categories creation
  3. Custom pages
  4. Drag & drop builder to build the storefront
  5. Localized payment gateway (Razorpay + Stripe)
  6. SEO optimized product, category and custom pages
  7. Blogs using Notion as CMS
Here is the sneak peak:

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