My Favorites List of Paul Graham's Essays


New member
Hey Everyone,

Hope you’re doing well. I wanted to share my favorite essays of Paul Graham. I believe listening and reading advice from experienced people is a way of encoding success into your brain. In a sense, our brains let us code almost anything. Counterintuitively, reading does not seem like a part of this encoding because we forgot most of what we read.

When I think about what I have read; blog posts, books, essays and more… I can’t remember most of them but even if you don’t remember them, they somehow already encoded years of experience into your brain.

Think about it, almost everyone, and I suspect also you, had a time when you did the hard work but right before the exam you felt like you knew nothing about the subject, then when you start seeing the questions they somehow blast out of nowhere.

I believe that’s why reading advices, essays, blog posts etc is so important. Also, having this kind of environment - Subreddits - where people share those kinds of experiences is really valuable. I probably won’t remember the things I read here, in 2 months. But the most remarkable ones have already encoded in my brain.

I think, Paul Graham has really great advices about almost anything in life. I don’t agree with all of his ideas so I cherry picked them and created my best of list from his essays. (Basically the ones I agree)

The best advice I get from anyone in the world was from one of his essays, Do Things That Don’t Scale.

So here’s the list: Best of Paul Graham's Essays

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