[N/A] Need To Incorporate In Country With Lowest Tax Liability. Tech/Media Company w/ Remote Employees


New member
Have a company in tech/media with 30-50 employees and no front office. I'm not American so I prefer if my worldwide income is not taxed. It's imperative the country/territory have the infrastructure to facilitate the quick movement of money.

Incorporation in the following countries/territories is preferred:
  • Cayman Islands
  • Belize
  • Bahamas
  • Bermuda
  • Barbados
  • Bulgaria
  • Georgia
  • Hungary
  • Liechtenstein
  • Thailand
  • Switzerland
Where do I incorporate for the lowest tax liability? Corporate tax rate must be close to 0%. I coincidentally have staff in Bulgaria and Thailand if someone can provide guidance. Hoping to get some input before I approach an attorney.

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