NBA Instagram Stories Aggregator


New member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to drop a quick line about something I’ve been working on lately. I’ve put together a website where you can catch up on all the latest stories from NBA teams every morning at 9 am. Right now, it’s desktop-only, but we’ll see where it goes from here.

So, here’s the deal: I was tired of bouncing around different Instagram profiles just to get my daily NBA fix. It was a hassle, so I figured why not make things easier? I whipped up a simple site that pulls all the stories from different sources and dumps them in one place.

For now, it’s all about the NBA, but who knows? If this thing gets some traction, I might branch out to cover other sports too. I can do it with any profiles, really.

Check it out here:

What do you guys think? Any feedback or suggestions are welcome!

@colograndma This app effectively streamlines the process of staying informed on favorite NBA teams and players, thus effectively addressing a common pain point for basketball fans. Great initiative towards NBA fans. Consider amplifying your startup launch by engaging with communities. If you need help with this, check out our startup launch kit which provides access to over 400+ communities to help you launch your product and increase visibility.

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