n'cloud.swiss - Cloud technology powered by swiss innovation


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N’cloud swiss ag, based in seengen, is a swiss cloud computing provider. Our most popular product is n’cloud, one of the first IaaS/SaaS platforms in Europe, launched in 2009.Today, the n’cloud product portfolio covers various products, including a solution for workplace as a service, which is known under the product name n’cloud office and is used by customers from switzerland as well as from abroad. Another well-known product of the company, which is the result of a long-term cloud strategy, is the full-service cloud platform for all cloud models n’cloud swiss.

N’cloud swiss ag has thus positioned itself on the cloud market as a swiss alternative to the leading cloud providers such as the US cloud giants Amazon aws, microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. In addition, the company expands worldwide and enters into new promising markets. The certification of the quality and information security management systems according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 underpin the ambitious goals.


Public Cloud

In the Public Cloud business unit, we offer our services to a large number of users via the Internet. Our customers can rent services such as computing power, infrastructure, storage space or applications from us.

Hybrid Cloud

For customers who want to benefit from the advantages of a public cloud and those of a private cloud at the same time, we provide in our business unit Hybrid Cloud the option of orchestration between the individual platforms.

n'cloud Virtual Office

In the Workplace as a Service business unit, led by our unique product n’cloud Virtual Office, we provide our customers not only with the software but also with the necessary hardware. We take over the installation, provision, and maintenance of the workplace.

n'cloud Spot Intances

For companies that just need a single or a few Virtual Machines. A very affordable, easy and stable solution for customers from all over the world. The Virtual Machines are all located in our secure datcenter and the location is always Switzerland.

Problem Solving :

Swiss alternative to the world's leading cloud providers.

Why unique?

A 100% Swiss cloud with data stored in the safe harbours of Switzerland.

Target Customer :

Consulting companies, SMEs, large corporations, insurance companies and banks.

Business model:


URL: https://www.ncloud.swiss

We will greatly appreciate your valuable comments and suggestions.

André Matter - CEO

@quietfriend Hey, so i was intrigued by your swiss value proposition and checked out the website.
Below are my thoughts, hope its useful
1) Main revenue driver for your business, most probably are your cloud storage customers . So other services like job, academy and world, should remain in background of your home page. It shows to a prospect customer that you probably don't have one priority segment, and are going wherever you get some money. Customers prefer their company has a core focus rather than a jack of all trades
2) the customer references / success stories are a nice touch. Try to add some more logos/ add detailed case studies of these 4 customers so there's something to read
3) as a cloud customer, there are many other factors apart from pricing that one is concerned about - like server uptime, scalability, network capability etc. Maybe add those as well. Also try to show a demo/ sample comparison with other service providers in your region
4) Local SMEs would love to work with someone they know rather than a company in an ivory tower, so if feasible, add a video from the CEO / Public face of the company.. Show that customers are like family. This message really drives sales
These are my initial thoughts, pm me if you'd like to discuss this more.
