Need advice. How’d you promote this service?


New member
Hey guys,

So, my buddy and I have been working hard on this cool little service that helps you save 50% or more on USDT TRC20 transfer fees.

It's super user-friendly and doesn't require any of that complicated wallet connecting, permission transferring, sharing seed phrases, or any other shady stuff. We kept it safe, simple, and straightforward.

We've already got a bunch of our friends hooked on the service, and they're absolutely loving it. They're using it regularly and have nothing but good things to say.

We even went the extra mile and set up a nice three-level affiliate program, thinking people would be so excited about the savings that they'd naturally want to spread the word to their friends. But you need an initial number of people to start it, right?

That's when reality hit hard! When we started looking into how to get the word out about our project, we ran straight into a wall. Turns out, trying to advertise anything in the crypto and finance realm is insanely expensive. The costs are just crazy, like 10 times what you'd see in other niches. And yeah, to be honest, we didn't really do our research on the advertising costs when we were developing the service, and now we're paying the price (literally).

So, here I am now, looking for advice. I would be super grateful for any wisdom or insider tips you might have on how to get our service in front of the right people without breaking the bank. How should we advertise it? Maybe some of you have experience promoting similar products or have some brilliant unconventional marketing ideas?

I'm all ears and open to any suggestions or constructive feedback you might have!
@starofthe_0cean You need to find one super influencer. Just find one big influencer to do it for a cut.

Luckily, Hormozi made a video on it. Its long but super worth it in your scenario. Just get a big influencer for a 50% cut. Yes, the cut will be huge but you'll make more money that way.

Remember, Affiliates work. It worked for Copy AI. They made $100k mrr in 223 days It worked for Systeme io. It'll work for you.

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