Need Advice: Transitioning from Corporate Design to Startup


New member
Hey everyone,

I've been freelancing as a designer for 7 years, enjoying the flexibility it offered despite not always swimming in cash. However, a corporate company headhunted me with an offer that seemed too good to refuse. Fast forward nearly a year later, and I'm struggling to find any joy in my corporate design job. The paycheck doesn't even make up for the dissatisfaction anymore.

I have a startup idea that I'm passionate about, and I've been contemplating working on it on the side with the hope of eventually transitioning to it full-time. But I'm facing two major hurdles:

A: Fear - I'm scared to take the leap from a stable job to the uncertainty of a startup. B: Unsure where to start or if my idea is even needed - I'm not sure where to even begin with my startup idea, and I'm questioning whether there's a demand for it.

I'd greatly appreciate any advice or insights from those who have made similar transitions or have experience with startups. How did you overcome your fears? And how did you validate your startup idea to ensure it was worth pursuing?

Thanks in advance for any help!