Need business ASAP


New member
I’m in a bit of a situation and need income fast. I’m from IT but I’m sure you all know how that’s going at the minute. So I’m turning to entrepreneurship and specifically sweaty work. I’m more than open to doing hard labor to earn an income and grow a brand.

So I just wanted to ask a group that I followed for sometime now, if you were my situation, what would you do? What’s the best sweaty startup for someone needing to move very quick , but willing to work very hard?
@adaleow Start installing smart home systems.

With an IT background this will be cake walk.

Call your state licensing board and see if any portion is regulated (like the cameras) requirimg a license.

Register DBA and domain (gotta make sure both are free before moving fwd with your logo).

Make a landing page with

Free logo with

You can do it!
@tseleng To add onto this, some older homes might require additional wiring ran through the house to allow for smart features (thermostats as an example).

I’m not sure about the regulations but make sure that would be something you can handle, or make friends with an electrician that you can work with in these types of cases.
@adaleow People need help with IT basics constantly, an at home IT service always does better than geek squad, if you put the time into door to door knocking to bond with the elderly that need help.

Build a website to connect local handymen and tradesmen to jobs needed, connect app for handyman to install for notifications and make/print a bid, flyers in every mailbox to connect the needs, charge small fee.

Help me build an app to corner the market of BST (buy, sell, trade) groups that are exploding in popularity, but are absolutely chaos to try to use to bid/win an item when they get big (especially the Facebook ones). No one trusts eBay anymore, and there needs to be a more social/community/group aspect to it.
@adaleow I’m kinda in the same predicament as you, what I’m doing now is contracting my services out to the bigger guys and assisting them with any projects as a field tech. Pays a hit or miss but it keeps the light on. Also gives me something to do while my SEO brings in business to my actual business. We all have to start somewhere, look into Craigslist under gigs and computers I’ve found some jobs that way and

hope this helps
@catcarp These are nationwide companies and most of them you pick your rate during the onboarding process and they will call/email when there is work.
@adaleow What kind of IT? I would think break/fix work could easily migrate to a full blown MSP in short order, especially if you’re in a decent sized city.

A buddy of mine works with access control and security cameras. That may be a good option that is not standard IT.
@adaleow If you're looking to start a labor business, I'm going to recommend you start a house cleaning service. Start small and slow, take a few jobs doing it on your own. When business starts picking up, hire a second person to help. Grow it from there.
@adaleow I'd say, look for things that give you good leverage.

For example, what work can you market and sell and sub out the physical work?

If you've been in IT for a while, ever thought of starting a MSP service?

But really, if you just want to make money, almost any option can work. Find what align more with you.

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