Need feedback for my startup social media app


New member
I'm a college student and currently developing a Q&A social media app called Dilemaa ( *I just made the website so it's horrible.

The gap I found on major Q&A platforms like Quora or Reddit is that we all focus on asking and answering questions but what if there is a Q&A social media app that focuses on contribution? for example, someone can ask "I have a date tomorrow, what should I wear?" with some pictures, you can vote one or another, and later the questioner can take a photo of him or herself saying "thanks for the vote, going for this." and if it's the outfit you picked, you contributed to someone's decision.

The core idea is to make decision-making a collective, interactive experience that doesn't just end at advice but extends to seeing how those decisions pan out.

To start off, I'm targeting college students since I'm a college student and it seems like college students would have a lot of dilemmas but ultimately this app is aimed for everyone.

As I've been developing this app for about 7 months now, I'm looking to gather some interest from potential users.

Would you be interested in an app like Dilemaa?

Any feedback, or a simple "yes" or "no" on the concept would be immensely helpful and deeply appreciated.
@unperfectt Remember that the biggest challenge for a social network is community attraction. A social network only works through the sharing of user experiences, so you have to be able to attract users in large numbers. If I join a social network and nothing is happening there, I leave; the feature doesn't matter anymore because there's no one there to engage with. I suggest creating an Execution Plan that provides you with a roadmap with tips and implementation strategies.

The idea seems interesting to me, but I've seen many interesting ideas in social media that didn't work due to poor execution. Good luck.
@unperfectt Sounds like a great idea to me, I can imagine Fashion brands advertising their products in that platform successfully. Let me know if you need help with the website design, would love to work with you on this.

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