Need feedback on a personal branding content creation platform idea


New member
Hi everyone,

As a wannabe content creator, I have had too much trouble to come up with good content idea for my personal branding category.

So I thought maybe AI can help me with it. This is the tool I am envisioning but I think I am making it more complicated than it needs to be. Any ideas or improvements or if I am missing something in it, would be highly appreciated.

Objective: Content generation based on personal branding topics and individual writing style

Constraints: Only for LinkedIn

Thought process behind it:
1. I want my content to be focused on 2 - 3 topics that I choose from.
2. I want the content to have my voice, not some robot generated language and writing style.
3. When I am generating content, I want it to include a variety of sub-topics in the same topic, maybe taken from some other newsletters or podcasts, sometimes a summary of a person’s career, sometimes their learnings etc.
4. I also want my content to be topical - not sure if this can be solved for with the current states of LLM

  1. User signs up on the platform using LinkedIn
  2. During the signup process, user is given a list of categories they want to build their personal brand in
    • Health & Fitness
    • Mental Health
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Product Management
    • Product Design
    • Career Progress
  3. I have to find a way to identify some sub-categories in each of those to keep the scope constrained for now. For example, Entrepreneurship could include women focused, Funding, Tech entrepreneur, non-tech entrepreneurs etc. (Not sure how this would look like though)
  4. If the user has more than 10 LinkedIn posts, the platform analyzes the user's LinkedIn posts and finds out the most engaged posts by reactions, comments etc. OR the user can also upload a file in their own writing to help AI give a reference of what kind of writing style to use.
  5. The platform will also ask the user to identify 2 newsletters and 2 podcasts the user is inspired from.
  6. Platform then combines the categories mentioned by the user above + their writing style + their selection of newsletter and podcasts and generates some content ideas for weekly content. This could look like this -
Monday - Post a summary of a newsletter on Entrepreneurship
Tuesday - Post an original thought on linkedin about women entrepreneurs, from experience,and a combination of a newsletter - Max 200 characters
Wednesday - Post a summary of a podcast on finding product market fit
Thursday - Post about an entrepreneur and their journey
Friday - Post about the struggles of a non-tech entrepreneur
  1. Once the user has made edits to the above plan, added their inputs and is satisfied with their content generation plan, they can submit it.
  2. Every day, the AI will generate the results based on the above plan and user’s specific choices.
  3. The user can edit the content, give feedback on it, chat with it to make it better etc.
  4. At any point, the user should have an option to have the platform re-visit their Linkedin and re-calculate their most trending content and update their choices.

Thoughts needed on -
  1. What can the MVP of this look like?simplest thing that I can start from?
  2. Would chatgpt api suffice for this or should I try something like perplexity api?
  3. What am I missing?
@neilgram Some tips for the first part:

1: You define an input where you write the subjects, or you can store them in a list. Then, with a select menu, you can choose them according to your needs. You will then send the element you choose from the list and assign it to the prompt in the API call: “Write a LinkedIn post about ${my subject}.”

2: You can fine-tune the OpenAI model with your own content. It will have a voice somewhat similar to yours.

3: You can do exactly the same as you did in part 1: “Write a LinkedIn post about ${my subject}, include some information about ${my subtopic}.”

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