Need Feedback


New member
I wanted to ask for anyone's advice, or feedback, on an upcoming project.

I am building a software that allows any person to pick up their phone and be notified of 'chores,' such as tedious task requests, unique jobs, errands, assistance with daily chores that don't require specific skill or expertise then be able to complete them on demand. for example; Imagine you are seated at a Starbucks in your local town and you receive a notification that someone close to you requires your help moving items to their car, you can accept the chore and go help them and get paid even before your coffee gets cold.

Or, imagine you wish to request a quick job to be done, such as hanging Christmas lights. You don't want someone with a van and a uniform, you wish to have someone at your door in minutes, like a neighborhood helper who is there to help you. our app looks to integrate location tracking and allows you to post the request with details and the price you are willing to pay then select from a list of people accepting the chore. The location feature also allows you to do chores that pop on the map near you so it is earning conveniently.

The point of the project is to allow anyone to earn anywhere. You are going to be part of a large network of people helping and getting help. Moreover, you can earn by just doing someone else 'chore.'

The idea is inspired from the fact that kids get paid to do chores. They do not go to college to learn how to do them, they just put effort and they earn. Even in history, if you wanted to help, you could not go online and request for it, you would look to neighbors, with the project we source you a neighbor.

If anyone has questions on the project or would like to contribute, please let me know and if you would use to app and what would you use it for? earning by helping out? to make request for help so your day is more productive? or would you use it for both?

I appreciate each and every feedback.

P.S looking for anyone to be part of this venture, so you can reach out!
@jamiex Only problem I see here is the non-immediate to immediate need dynamic ratio. If I download an app, and nothing happens in 10hours, then I’ll uninstall it, even though someone might need something at the 11th hour. Unless this is something in high demand, you are going to have trouble having people come on board, which will make the app less in high demand, which brings less people, which then becomes an reverse virtuous cycle.
@sjp03 Many thanks for your response,

I was thinking a similar way, rather than climbing the hill, we will be falling.
As we tested the idea more and more, we found that people were more interested to have an active app that is constantly being used by the community.
What would you suggest would be the best play to remedy this?
Would you feel the need to stick around and have it as a back burning app that you use when needed or when alerted of a chore nearby, or would you find it more of a useless gimmick?
Moreover, I wanted to say, the app is designed to be for ‘casual earning.’
@jamiex Maybe you don’t start with immediate needs, but for random chores that can wait. Maybe you make it hyper local, like a chat for neighbours that might need a hand? Maybe this is a good idea? :). Make sure to send me equity for this later haha
@jamiex Another thing is that this would require a tight network. You’d have to launch city by city, like Uber did. Except with Uber, connecting 2 people 15 minutes away is ok. I’m willing to wait 15 minutes for a ride when I need one. I would not want to drive 15 minutes just to help someone load their car, then drive 15 minutes back.

In summary, this would have to rely on one of the tightest networks in existence, or else the economics won’t work out.
@howeryall Many Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate your angle.

We have made an ideal marketing scheme that will involve micro marketing which covers area to area ,so we do not have users using the app too early with a lack of people ready to do the chores or have to wait too long, as in your example above.

I would highly appreciate talking to you further over private message, your feedback is great.

Many Thanks

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