Need help choosing a P.O.S

I am starting a small coffee and deli shop. 2,000 Sq ft, with a drive through. I am zoned at 49 capacity and 24 seats. First time business owner just trying to get some advice.
@wonderingstranger Another one to look at is Shopkeep. Most people generally choose between Shopkeep, Square and Shopify. I haven't used Square, but as others have said, Shopify is best if you also have an e-commerce presence. Shopkeep is pretty much a standalone, one location kind of product.
@wonderingstranger Hands down the best P.O.S is Shopify. Shopify also has a strong online store builder as well. They also have 24/7 service and even holidays. There is over 600 apps to grow and scale your business and it's ease of use is the best.
@simplydawn If you're primarily an e-commerce site, then sure, shopify POS makes sense.. Paying attention to this person's business though, a coffee shop has no point in having an e-commerce shop. Use the proper tool for the job. Square POS is definitely the solution for this scenario. I mean hell, go to local/bigger chains and see what they are using. Bubble Tea (tea shop around here that has been growing immensely) uses Square POS, just about every coffee shop I go to uses Square. It's for a reason.
@isseyas Yes but Shopify has a P.O.S that is great. I use it for my brick and mortar store. I suggest calling Square and Shopify. Then you have concrete information. You can use Shopify P.O.S without having an ecommerce website as well.
@simplydawn Oh, I'm not disagreeing or saying you can't use it w/o an e-commerce site.. I'm simply saying that the POS from Shopify is most beneficial if you actually have an e-commerce site. Square has done a phenomenal job building out their software and services for the general small business. Their built in mini CRM is great for reward offerings and stuff too. Honestly can't beat it. Because of that, I recommend Square over Shopify for POS unless you have your own e-commerce site, that's where you should really look into it more.