Need help with SaaS Acquisition Strategy


New member
I am running Competitor Ads on Google and bringing traffic every month. How do I make this into a full fledged acquisition plan and convert this traffic into leads?

I am thinking of the below strategy:
  1. Deanonymize visitors who didn't fill a form using Leadfeeder and qualify ICP.
  2. Re-target ICP accounts using Linkedin and GAds
  3. Identify returning visitors and share list with Sales team to do Cold outreach via E-mail and Linkedin.

    Would love to hear what can be improved in this process? Is re-targetting on Linkedin and GAds a good idea? Please share any playbooks which can help me here.

    More Context: B2B SaaS Space - CRM Product. Currently below 50 customers. Looking to acquire the 1st 500 users.
@celiag Love all the technology.

But really, can you summarize in "business" language why I should care?

Specific business goals and objectives and SMART criteria.

Keep it simple.