Need Ideas for Expanding My S&P 500 News Scraping Project into a SaaS


New member
I’ve been working on a personal project and could use some ideas to expand it into a SaaS. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

I built a web scraper that fetches the latest news for each company in the S&P 500 and stores the content in a database. The scraper runs every hour (but it could be configured to run more frequently to get "almost" real-time results) gathering an average of 30 news articles per big company per day.

For my project, I use AI (OpenAI and/or other similar providers) to analyze these articles to determine if it's worth investing in a company for the mid/long term. I'm also summarizing the news, so I have both the full content and summaries of each article.

I’m planning to provide these summaries through an API, but I’m wondering what else I can do with this data, besides the summaries. Who do you think might be interested in something like this? What potential target audiences should I consider?

I’m open to building additional features based on the news content

Thanks a bunch!
@faintfuzzies Sentiment analysis of articles (or headlines/subheadlines at least) , sort them by valence so users can see the most positive or most negative info first.

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