Need some feedback on my dashboard


New member
Hey guys! Currently building a Virtual Interview & Meeting Coach using AI.

I'm building the dashboard, and have the basic functionality to do interviews/meetings now, but need to do a few changes.

Here is how the dashboard is rn

I'm using React-Bootstrap, and was supposed to rewrite the whole thing in Tailwind or something similar, but It takes too much time to rewrite the whole app for now.

Does it look okey? Just be honest, or can someone suggest some component library like React-Bootstrap? :p

I haven't been able to release this SaaS yet, because I'm too unsure about the design.

Also, when a user is not logged in, this is my current page.

What should I do here? I'm going to have a separate landing page and app. Was thinking maybe a blog with featured posts?

Here is the practice page:

I'm going to add some sort of filters to be able to filter by category, difficulty etc.

Thanks for the feedback!
@waiting_soul Bootstrap is great, and there's no need to completely overhaul your entire stack. I would recommend considering the use of a Design System and learning its rules to implement it in your project. There are various Design Systems available, such as Google's Material Design or IBM's Carbon. You can adapt these design systems to fit your existing project alongside Bootstrap. I hope you find this suggestion helpful, and I wish you the best of luck with your project!
@waiting_soul Hey! So, the website is for coding interviews for FAANG companies? Just trying to understand the problem you're trying to solve.

I think you're using a lot of different colors, I'll recommend you to stick to a single color palette.
@hoangpr Hey! The website isn’t specific for coding interviews. It’s just for interviews and meetings, but as a tech dude myself, I added IT companies first.
@waiting_soul The dashboard should be captivating and have a strong user experience (UX) that entices people to use the product more and spend more time on it. I can assist you with improving that aspect for free. You can direct message me.

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