New CS course idea that eligible high school students


New member
Firstly, my english is not perfect therefore plase write comment for elaborate.

Okay, I idea about combine programming and Math/Geometry learning. How can be ?

I will use C++ on programming side and OpenGL on visual side. This is 10 week course.

1.week, C++ Basic 1 (Operators, Variables, loops)

2.week, C++ Basic 2 (Create functions)

3.week, Essential of OpenGL (create screen and basic shapes)

4.week, First functions of math and draw (Cubic, Quaratic, sin ...)

5.week, Draw Circle, Box, Rectengale based on equations throgh create function

6.week, distance calc between two points, perpendicular calc functions

7.week, 3d geometry 1

8.week, 3d geometry 2

9.week, solve complex geormetry problems with OpenGL 1

10.week, solve complex geormetry problems with OpenGL 2

The aim is learn equations by students. Because they are frequently asked in univresity enterance exams. They will also learn programming. Win Win.

I will now prepare a booklet. I am waiting for your ideas and booklet templates suggestions.
@maish Which university entrance exam would this be focusing on? Perhaps you could get feedback from those who have previously completed the CS portions of those exams and concentrate your course/offering on teaching them the hard parts in a simple way.

That might be a good way to determine what your course contents should be.
@maish Getting all the way through functions in 2 weeks is unrealistic. Unless these student are solely focused on learning C++, most will fail to maintain that pace.

I taught Intro to CS at a major university this past year, functions were covered a month into the course and still caused many students to struggle.

If the goal is to teach math, consider a higher level language such as: Python, R or JavaScript. Teaching C++ is great if you are focusing on software development or the core theory of CS, but if they just need to do math and control a GUI a scripting language is the way to go.

But, I think teaching programming and math together to high schoolers is an excellent idea! Just keep it realistic timeframe wise.
@maish I’ve no idea about the subject, but I am really connected and super interested in projects like this.

Sell me (personally) a course and I’ll see where I can help.

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