New SaaS. 0 → 1M impressions (12.3K clicks) in 3 months. Built distribution the day we started building product. Let's see how this turns out


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So I've started building a new SaaS.

The day we started building product was the day we started building distribution. As you may well know, SEO takes 6-12 months until it shows something. I would argue even more if you're in a busy industry, such as I am now (eSignatures). During this time, we have made:
  • 200+ blog posts
  • 100+ landing pages
  • 100+ contract templates
  • 300+ FAQs
  • 80+ statistics posts
  • 40+ PDF functions (e.g. compress/merge/rotate PDF)
  • + others mini-apps (e.g. a free eSignature creator)
These were made by myself + my brother/co-founder. To bring 100% clarity, we have a very small development team on payroll, hence why we went all-in on building distribution.

We're now getting 200-370 clicks day.

Impressions are shit, they don't mean anything (to me, at least), but they're a vanity metric I've added in the title, since it's a big number.

But we're still a long way from seeing the full effect of it, since we're only a few months away from when we started this.

Why share all this?​

  • Well we haven't launched yet, but when we do, I'd want to have this post as a "journal entry" in the past. If we get it right, hoping it will serve as a point of info
  • I'm sharing this kind of stuff on Twitter (the above, in a tweet, is here), so if you found this valuable, join me there...?
Let's see how this turns out when we launch!

What else can I share about this btw?
@clmorgan How much of chatgpt did you use to help write posts? I’m genuinely curious how much it might have helped y’all speed things up.

Also why choose an industry that’s clearly saturated?
@promise2 None at all. I'm 25 but I'm *starting* to become old on this topic and I'm personally not interested in chatGPT for now. My personal and honest opinion (for myself) is the same one I had for NFTs/Web3 (even tho I invested in crypto since 2016) — if it sticks around for 1-1.5yrs and proves itself not to have been a hypetrain, I'll look into it

because there's loads of money in it! This is a bad post as I haven't worded it properly BUT I wrote this short bit a few weeks ago.
@julese Took a shotgun approach - made the best content we could, on multiple fronts. In a few months, we'll see which seeds are showing potential and therefore require more caressing
@clmorgan Very cool, it sounds like you are grinding on content — it’s good to try a lot of stuff and get a lot of volume quickly. Will be watching!

I have no idea about your value prop or how you or positioning yourself compared to your competitors, so I really have no idea if it’s saturated or not, but The shotgun method in this case seems like it will help you fail faster towards strategy.

Again, will be watching!

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