New Small Business Loan Question


New member
I’ve built the business plan and have had it looked over by a dozen people including a SCORE mentor and an accountant.

Based on all the data I have we should be profitable 2-3 months after the business opens. The problem I have is the buildout of the space I will lease will take 2-4 months. Which leaves me with 0 income to offset the loan payments for at least 4-7 months.

That’s a lot of time to float SBA loan payments when I have no income from the business.

Is it possible to delay payments for that time period?
@waterstar0610 Find an investor to provide the necessary capital. What are you going to use as collateral? Banks don't loan out money on a good business idea, regardless of the merits. They will lend against collateral. If all you have is a business plan you need to find an angel investor or something of value you can put up as collateral.
@seekingchristiancommunity I have collateral, 401k, home, brokerage account etc.

It’s not an “Angel Investor” kind of thing. It’s just an indoor playground with maybe 2M in gross and a 10% margin. I’m not trying to be some Fortune 500 unicorn startup. Just a basic self sufficient business model that supports me and my family. I just want to be independent and not rely on the decisions of others.

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