Nexeo - AI-powered, curriculum-backend learning


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Please have a look at, an online tutoring platform for school children grades 4-12.

The key pain point I've identified: the average South African child receives 20-50 hours of tutoring per month. This costs parents approximately 5,000 - 12,500 ZAR ($277 - $697) per month.

Nexeo provides learners with:
  1. AI-generated aptitude tests to determine a learner's starting skill level on a subject-skill basis (e.g. Mathematics > Algebra).
  2. Personalised, interactive generated courses based on the aptitude tests taken.
  3. Goal-setting to increase educational success.
  4. Project/homework assistance using AI support.
  5. Access real school exam papers from an archive with AI assistance available.
*To ensure content quality, all AI-generated content is based on the government-issued school curriculums (CAPS).

Parents can:
  1. Monitor their learners' performance.
  2. Interact with other parents via community forums.
  3. Share old exam papers for learners to use.
The above features received good feedback based on a the parent surveys I collected. Generally, people don't seem to mind if it's AI or a person tutoring their child, as long as the quality of content and ability to ask questions at any time is there.

In the surveys, there was still a bit of demand for the human interaction in addition to the AI features, so I am considering an "interact with live tutors" feature, available on-demand (find any matching tutor) and scheduled (book a specific tutor). Tutors can also create media (like educational videos) available to paid users only.

Pricing is as follows:
  1. A freemium model, where learners have access to basic functionality (e.g. goal-setting and exam papers) and minimal AI interaction (e.g. one AI course per month)
  2. A free 2-week trial, with premium access at 500 ZAR (~$27) per learner per month. Paid users have access to approx. 100 hours of AI learning per month and all other features like exam prep and homework/project assistance.
  3. Live interaction with tutors is billed per usage and is then billed separately from the standard premium access subscription. For the media they upload, tutors will receive royalties based on views.

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